Happy New Year, and welcome to a brand new decade! Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. So cheers to whatever this one has in store, and what you make of it!
The next three months are always a fun time to plan and prepare for our next season. This year will be a big one as we celebrate 30 years the Herb Garden has been operating! We are interested in diving into old photos and historic files to see what events, workshops, and garden themes the Herb Garden had success with in the past few decades. Please reach out via email if you can share a memorable story, or fun workshop you took part in sometime in the Herb Garden’s past. Or even if you have a rare plant suggestion the Herb Garden sold over the last 30 years that we can consider bringing back.
Whatever the future holds, we look forward to a new exciting year at the Herb Garden and at the same time feel honoured to be part of it’s continued herbal history as we celebrate this milestone year!