2020 has been a year. A year of unprecedented events.
As you are reading this we hope you are safe and well. This year has not been what we expected or planned it to be.
That being said all we can do is plan for a great year ahead in 2021. We are now closed for the 2020 season.
This year our greenhouse experienced a surge of orders with our newly established online store and curb side pick up. Something that was rushed to create out of business necessity but proved to be a vital part of our business this year and we will continue with it as ordering online may become part of our new normal with or without covid in the future.
We are hopeful that the increased interest in gardening this year will also continue so that we can be better prepared for the demands of new and practiced gardeners as they establish their own garden paradise and nurture not only healthy plants but healthy bodies and minds as a way to de stress, unwind, and seek inner peace. Plants are the best therapists!
This year we planted, ordered, grew only what we historically do each year and because of demand we were unprepared for the volume of demand for herbs, veggies, and other plants we typically sell. So we had to close a bit earlier then expected.
Next year we are hopeful to organize more workshops, events, art, tea in the garden and more!
As we look ahead and plan for another season, we wish you a happy and safe year and can’t wait to see you again when we reopen in the spring of 2021!