An introduction to natural fabric dyeing with Deborah Guthrie
Sunday September 10th, 2023
3pm to 5pm
An introduction to natural fabric dyeing to ignite your imagination and get you on
a journey doing it your way no matter where you live. You don’t need a back
garden to try dyeing and learn what works for you.
The principles for animal and plant based fabrics will be discussed and this
information can be applied to yarn but our sample work in the session will be on
squares of cotton.
A look at using a mordant and some hands on sample dyeing using them will
begin the time together and while they remain in the dye we will discuss many
aspects of this fun exploratory art.
While items take in the colour we will look into the information that will let each
individual imagine the possibilities with their interests and where they live.
Mordants, local plants and other ways to achieve the colours nature gives us as
well as a look at solar dyeing and a wonderful way to use the heat of summer to
achieve pattern and colour. The discussion will include samples to show and a
handout will be included but a notebook for further notes is recommended.
As our time winds down we will gather our dyed items to take home as they
should remain with dye on the fibre for overnight and then allowed to dry the
next day. Information on this and curing and care will also be included.
This introduction will give you ideas for gathering supplies, looking for nature in
your area and experimenting with what you have.
Recommended items to bring are an apron, rubber gloves and a notebook.
Deborah Guthrie